As a renter, it`s important to understand the terms and conditions of your lease agreement. While most lease agreements are typically one-year contracts, there may be situations where you need to make changes to your rental agreement. Here are some steps you can take to change your rental agreement.

1. Review your lease agreement

Before making any changes to your rental agreement, review the original lease agreement thoroughly. Make sure that you understand all the terms and conditions of the agreement, including the rent amount, lease start and end dates, and any penalties for breaking the lease.

2. Discuss with your landlord

If you want to make changes to your rental agreement, you will need to discuss this with your landlord. Schedule a meeting with your landlord and explain the reasons why you want to make changes to the lease agreement. Be prepared to negotiate as your landlord may be hesitant to make changes.

3. Draft a written amendment

Once you have reached an agreement with your landlord, put the changes in writing. Draft a written amendment to the lease agreement and have both you and your landlord sign it. Make sure to include the date the amendment will go into effect.

4. Keep a copy of the amendment

Make sure that you keep a copy of the amendment in a safe place. This will ensure that you have a record of the changes made to your lease agreement.

5. Communicate with your landlord

After the amendment is signed and agreed upon, make sure to communicate any changes with your landlord. This includes any changes to the rent amount, payment dates, or other terms of the agreement.

Changing a rental agreement may seem like a daunting task, but it can be done with proper planning and communication. Remember, it`s important to keep a record of all changes made to your lease agreement. By following these steps, you can ensure that you and your landlord have a clear understanding of the terms and conditions of your rental agreement.